Cambio Tutto

Cambio Tutto

Giulia is 40 years old and lives in the frenzy of a big city subjected to all kinds of stress. Every day she finds herself fighting against everyone: a new boss with no experience and too inclined to suffer the charms of young employees, a penniless painter partner with a restless teenage son, a best friend taken only by herself and her imaginary loves, and finally her damn scale always marking the same weight despite the exhausting diet she’s followed for ages… Giulia gives up, swallows, resigns every time, unable to get respect from others. The tranquilizers she has been taking for so much are useless and, exhausted, she decides to turn to a holistic counselor, whose face inexplicably appears everywhere for some time. What happens to Giulia after she leaves the charismatic therapist’s office is a real deflagration, and all the humiliation and anger kept inside for too long explode with a hundredfold of energy. But does everything really need to change in Giulia’s life?